Benjamin Franklin once said that it’s easier to prevent bad habits than it is to break them, and at Smile Center for Kids in Sunland and Edgemere TX, we agree! When it comes to dental health, parents should be sure to teach their kids good dental health habits early in life.
If you wait too long, your kids may develop bad habits. It’s hard to get a teenager to brush for at least two minutes. But if they’ve always done it that long, they should be in good shape.
When†they’re still little it’s up to parents to brush their kids teeth. But as soon as they are old enough to hold a brush, and have the necessary agility, they should take over.
There’s a reason why to many dental health products are aimed at kids. Help them find a toothbrush and toothpaste they like and make sure they use it. Remember to check labels for the ADA seal!
Teeth are meant to last a lifetime, and with regular brushing and flossing, regular checkups at Smile Center for Kids in Sunland and Edgemere TX ensures they will! We offer pediatric and family dentistry to patients from El Paso, Anthony, Socorro, Horizon City, and Canutillo. Contact us today!
Contact Smile Center for Kids (Tap to open in Google Maps):
1050 Sunland Park Drive, Ste B200
El Paso, TX 79922
915-213-120012801 B Edgemere Blvd, Ste 112,
El Paso TX 79938